Loan Disclosures
The University loan disclosure process must be completed prior to the disbursement of any University loan funds to your student account. Loan funds will be disbursed three business days following the completion of the disclosure requirements.
It is a federal requirement to complete disclosures for each semester you are awarded a University loan.
Wait for an Invitation
If you have been awarded a University loan, an invitation to electronically sign your loan disclosures will be e-mailed to you in July. You must have an active Penn State Access Account and be registered for classes. If the award is made during the semester, an invitation will be e-mailed to you the following day.
How do I sign?
Once you receive the e-mail invitation, complete the following steps:
- Go to Heartland ECSI’s Electronic Signature Web site
- Login using your Social Security Number, First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth
- Follow the instructions
- For University loans, you will be prompted to enter a PIN number. This number is provided to you in the e-mail invitation you received